Options to support your work

  • Concierge Consulting Services

    Are you starting a new program and in need of experienced guidance to ensure the program has the resources and approaches required for success? Archambault Consulting specializes in supporting new programs from inception through Final Provisional Accreditation and maintaining support through Accreditation-Continued. Concierge clients have had 100% success in their accreditation reviews. Contact Mark @ [email protected] to be placed on our waitlist for consulting services.

  • Coaching - PD and Team

    Have your best efforts to support and grow your team and program run into a road block? Or are you looking for perspective on how to most efficiently and effectively navigate the PD role? Email [email protected] to be placed on our email list to learn more about upcoming PD and team leadership coaching services we are developing through collaborative efforts between PA education leaders.

Your accreditation success is personal

After struggling to feel comfortable with accreditation expectations over 15 years ago in my first accreditation leadership role, I decided to do something about it.

What started as a personal quest to conquer my own knowledge, skill and  expertise gap has turned into an unplanned pursuit of building resources and approaches to help other PA programs and faculty successfully navigate their accreditation reviews with less stress. It's been a wonderful journey. I appreciate the multiple opportunities others shared with me to serve them and work collaboratively in support of their new program development and accreditation work.